Hoteliers are investing heavily in technologies that benefit their guests, such as mobile apps, booking engines, digital concierges, keyless entry, beacons, and automated check-in and check-out processes. Scott Dobroski of Glassdoor’s corporate communications stated in a New York Times article that “All companies are now technology companies, but this is particularly true for the hospitality industry.”
All employees need to adopt mobile technologies in the workplace. Stefan Tweraser, Snapshot, writes about the impact of multi-faceted systems on employee productivity and job satisfaction. The systems are so complicated that employees have to wait while guests navigate the interface in order to find information. This information should be available on the go, at their fingertips, and anytime. Mobile technologies that allow internal connectivity, communication, and access to all the information are extremely valuable for in-house staff and operations.
Flexible mobile platforms can offer more benefits. Staff members can access their company’s intranet instantly, allowing for enhanced customer service. Having access to the latest news in real-time and daily updates will help them work more efficiently. On the other side, management can optimize their operations by using employee behavior data. It is important to choose technology that allows your employees to save time by performing routine tasks. All the information they need to do their jobs will be available at any time, and managers can also access data on their staff. It should be simple to use and adaptable, and it should help you achieve your strategic goals.
Finding platforms with multiple features that can be used to connect your operational processes could give you valuable information about how employees perform their tasks and how this affects things like employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity. These metrics can have a direct effect on both the bottom line and guests.
Communication features could include daily updates on VIP guests, check-ins, or a database of documents on HR, security, employee marketing, and departmental reports. They allow staff to be informed and up-to-date with the latest knowledge and skills, allowing them to perform their duties optimally and offer impeccable customer service. By using this feature, you can improve guest satisfaction, retention, and productivity.
The addition of features like surveys and feedback allows management to have frequent open dialogs with their teams. Managers are able to respond quickly to employee feedback and take action. They can also create a community. Employee retention increases, satisfaction soars, and hiring costs are cut!
Bonus functions, such as chatting and conducting assessments or filling out checklists and inventories, allow you to optimize operational processes and reduce paper trails. They also collect analytical data on internal processes that can be used by management for better strategizing.
It is best to limit the use of technology at first within a single department. It is a good way to gauge the level of responsiveness both from employees and managers. The technology can be used by other people (company-wide or property-wide) from there. The management can also better adapt to the use of this application and observe staff reactions. The platforms can be used and integrated into existing systems in order to increase usage and optimize processes.
Once the app is fully functional, managers can create reports that recognize team skills and compare and correlate usage with metrics like employee satisfaction, guest retention, training costs, and productivity levels.
Working with developers to customize technology for your property allows you to maximize efficiency. Invest in technology that will benefit your staff and, ultimately, your guests.